
It is with great pleasure that we confirm our presence in the Telegraph’s ‘Best Hotels 2018’ list. We appear eighth on the list amongst some amazing properties. Highcliffe’s entry in the Telegraph online travel directory has been something we have been very proud of for the last year or so and this new campaign for 2018 just puts the cherry on the Bakewell. The experts scrutinise the accommodation as a whole from decor, food and friendliness through to location and overall hygge. It’s a nervy experience but it’s proven very worthwhile. It obviously makes us feel personally delighted that our efforts are in fact….good but it also means that we’ve done a little something for our town. Falmouth is what has enabled us to invest in the fabric of this business. Falmouth offers our visitors so much more than a good holiday. An abundance of fabulous restaurants, beaches, a harbour, coffee shops, SUPping, coastal walks, castles, boat trips and oodles of festivals and events make Falmouth a relentless entertainer. Imagine it. You arrive at your B&B and “thank goodness” it’s nice. Then you shower and change (shower’s hot and powerful as is the hairdryer) and you head out to town. The guy at the B&B recommended a cocktail at the Brig or a super pimped up gin at DOlly’s before your meal at The Wheelhouse or Oliver’s. You can’t believe the amazing character of each place and the quality of food. Go on then, pop into Bar Hand because the twinkly lights of the courtyard draw you and your darn good mood in just to top the night off. Craft ale night cap and a pretty walk home for a good nights sleep (in a thankfully comfortable bed) before a full fry up you didn’t have to make yourself. That’s the charm of Falmouth for you and all the people in it.